วันเสาร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

BOWFLEX TREADCLIMBER : Bowflex TC3000 Treadclimber

BOWFLEX TREADCLIMBER: Bowflex TC3000 Treadclimber
I love this tread climber. I am a 58 yr. old man who had knee surgery a few years ago. I am in pretty good shape, but expect to get into very good shape using this Treadclimber. I get a great cardio workout. I keep my heart rate up and produce sweat for 30 min., yet I don't feel any muscle soreness or any joint pain. I feel strong, flexible and energized just 10 min. after my work out. I assembled it by myself in about 2 hrs. It was well worth the time!

